eLearning Days

As of July 1, 2022, Indiana legislation redefined virtual learning days and released clear definitions for synchronous and asynchronous instruction and limitations in order to be counted toward the required 180 days of school. That information can be found in the table below. 

Term Definition Meets 180-day Requirement
In-person Instruction Instruction provided by teacher in real time and at the same place as the student Yes
Teacher Directed Synchronous InstructionInstruction delivered live and in real time to a student by the student’s teacher Yes, if at least 50% of instruction is synchronous. 
Asynchronous Learning Self-paced virtual learning that can occur at different times and in different places that are particular to each student Yes, but schools may only use a maximum of three asynchronous days. 

*Source: https://media.doe.in.gov/news/virtual-student-instruction-days-and-180-day-requirement.pdf?utm_content=&utm_medium=email&utm_name=&utm_source=govdelivery&utm_term= 


Due to this change in legislation, Greater Clark County Schools has developed the following types of eLearning plans for the 2022-2023 school year:

Synchronous eLearning Days for Professional Development on September 6, 2022, December 16, 2022, and May 2, 2023: 

The GCCS master calendar for the 2022-2023 school year lists these three days as eLearning Days for the purpose of staff professional development. On these three days, GCCS will utilize synchronous eLearning days with the following expectations: 

  • All assigned work and lessons will be communicated through Google Classroom.
  • The lessons and assigned work will align to the district sequencing guides and students will remain on pace with their GCCS classroom.  Completed work should be submitted by the teacher assigned due date. A grace period for extenuating circumstances may be offered by the school. Work not submitted by the deadline may not receive full credit.
  • Teachers will be expected to deliver face to screen instruction via Google Meet following the published GCCS eLearning school day schedule. 
  • Attendance will be taken during the Google Meet sessions.  Students will be marked as absent if they do not attend the Google Meet sessions on each synchronous eLearning day.
  • All schools will operate on the following eLearning schedules for live meetings and independent work time


Asynchronous eLearning Days for Inclement Weather:

State law limits school districts to the use of only three asynchronous eLearning days per year. GCCS will reserve the use of these three days for the first three inclement weather days. GCCS will operate asynchronous eLearning with the following expectations: 

  • All assigned work and lessons will be communicated through Google Classroom.
  • The lessons and assigned work will align to the district sequencing guides and students will remain on pace with their GCCS classroom.  Completed work should be submitted by the teacher assigned due date. A grace period for extenuating circumstances may be offered by the school. Work not submitted by the deadline may not receive full credit.
  • All assigned work will be completed independently by students. Teachers will post lessons by 9:00a.m.
  • Attendance will be taken via a Google Form.


Synchronous eLearning Days for Inclement Weather and/or Other Circumstances:

It is our hope that we will not need to utilize these synchronous eLearning days; however, if inclement weather extends beyond three days, or if there are unforeseen circumstances causing a school building to be closed to students, GCCS will utilize synchronous eLearning days with the following expectations: 

  • All assigned work and lessons will be communicated through Google Classroom.
  • The lessons and assigned work will align to the district sequencing guides and students will remain on pace with their GCCS classroom.  Completed work should be submitted by the teacher assigned due date. A grace period for extenuating circumstances may be offered by the school. Work not submitted by the deadline may not receive full credit.
  • Teachers will be expected to deliver face to screen instruction via Google Meet following the published GCCS eLearning school day schedule. 
  • Attendance will be taken during the Google Meet sessions.  Students will be marked as absent if they do not attend the Google Meet sessions on each synchronous eLearning day.  
  • All GCCS Schools will use the following Synchronous eLearning Schedules:


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