Amazon donates 10,000 face shields

Aug. 19, 2020
JEFFERSONVILLE – Amazon employees donated 10,000 face shields – valued at over $25,000 – to Greater Clark County Schools to help keep students and staff safe.The face shields donated were designed by Amazon Prime Air with direct feedback from medical professionals. They are approved by the National Institutes of Health (NIH).
JEFFERSONVILLE – Amazon employees donated 10,000 face shields – valued at over $25,000 – to Greater Clark County Schools to help keep students and staff safe.The face shields donated were designed by Amazon Prime Air with direct feedback from medical professionals. They are approved by the National Institutes of Health (NIH).
“The Greater Clark County Schools leadership team and board want to give a sincere thank you to Amazon for their continued partnership and for supporting our district’s mission of keeping each member of our school community safe as we navigate the COVID-19 crisis,” GCCS Superintendent Mark Laughner said. “Amazon’s generous face shield donation embodies the selfless cooperation that is vital during these unprecedented times as we return to the classroom.”
GCCS will now work to distribute the face shields throughout the district.
In addition, Amazon’s Jeffersonville fulfillment center donated 25,000 disposable face masks today to the Clark County Health Department for distribution to area residents.