If you want to view or get a copy of your personnel file, you may call the Human Resources Office and request the form “Request for Access to a Public Record”. You will need to complete this form and submit it to the Human Resources Office. Once your signed request is received, Human Resources will make this information available to you in approximately 48 hours. If you choose to have records copied, there is a 10 cent fee for each page copied. A representative from the Human Resources Office will contact you and schedule a time for you to view your records or notify you when your copies are ready to be picked up.
You will need document any changes in writing on forms provided by the Human Resources Office. For forms, please contact (812) 288-4802 Whitney Connell ext. 50140.
The employees in the Human Resources Office are not tax consultants. You can get the best tax advice from your tax consultant.
Some questions may be answered by our Instruction Department, but you may need to contact the Professional Standards Board, Indiana Department of Education at (866) 542-3672 or check their website at www.doe.in.gov or www.in.gov/psb.
No, you may sign up at any time. Contact the Payroll Dept. at (812) 288-4802, to request a direct deposit form You must complete the form, attach a blank voided check, and return to the Payroll Department.
Yes. Your secondary account is where you designate a fixed amount. The remainder of your pay will go to your primary account.
You may view this information on your paycheck stub.
Yes, you may contact Whitney Connell at (812) 288-4802 ext. 50140 to get the forms.
You may provide a statement from the funeral home with the deceased name, date of death, and relationship to you, or an obituary that includes this information.
You may view your current balance of leave days on your paycheck stub. This balance is two weeks behind your check date.
As soon as all year-to-date totals are balanced, our Payroll Department posts these in Skyward. The deadline for distribution each year is January 31.
No, you may enroll as a new employee and during open enrollment months as stated above. If you have a qualifying event such as birth, death, marriage, divorce, loss of group coverage thru no fault of your own, you may enroll within 31 days of the qualifying event.
He/She may be covered for health & dental until the end of the month in which he/she turns age 26.
Yes, vision coverage is included in our Humana health coverage plan.
- You will need to contact PERF or TRF, whichever applies.
- You will need to make an appointment to meet with PERF or TRF to discuss your options and to request an estimate of your benefit. For TRF, you will need to take your last six (6) years average salary. This information may be requested from the Employee Relations Department.
- PERF or TRF will provide you with an application to request retirement benefits. You may complete this at any time and return it to PERF or TRF.
- You will need to write a letter to Tricia Helton, Director of Human Resources. This is your official notification to Greater Clark County Schools that you plan to retire. The retirement deadline is noted in your contract.
- Once your official notification is received in the Human Resources Department, Shannon Ottersbach (812) 288-4802, ext. 50142, will begin procedures to prepare for your retirement.
- You will be notified in early March that your letter has been received, and you will be instructed as to when you should make an appointment with Shannon Seifried to discuss benefits and final pay. These appointments are generally scheduled in late April or early May.
- You will be informed as to when your final pay will be and when your salary information will be sent to PERF or TRF from Greater Clark County Schools.
- Your first retirement benefit will arrive between 60-90 days from the date your retirement salary information was sent to PERF or TRF.
When you retire, you can choose to remain in whichever plan you choose(family or single). You can remain in the group health plan until age 65. If you have a family plan, once you reach age 65, you and your dependents are no longer eligible to remain in the plan. You are required to pay the entire premium each month. Should you decide to discontinue the plan before reaching age 65, you will not be permitted to participate in the plan at any later date. Please consult your contract for information regarding health insurance at the time of retirement.